Our Mission
Professional Pharmacy Group’s mission is to make the pharmacy experience easy for our patients while providing truly superior customer service.
We offer a variety of pharmacy services in order to achieve this. Our dedication to provide you with the most pertinent information so that you can make educated and informed decisions for your health, is what matters most to us.
Come See How Easy Pharmacy Can Be!
- All Insurances Accepted. We bill insurance companies directly.
- Compounded Medication. Custom prepared medication specializing in topical pain, wound, and scar treatments.
- Immunizations. Influenza and Zostavax vaccinations administered onsite daily.
- No missed doses. No Confusion when you doctor changes medications. Easy to know when to reorder.
- Compliance packaging and the right medication at the right time.
- FREE MEDICATION DELIVERY. Our pharmacies deliver 7 days a week and it costs you nothing.
- Transferring medication is simple. One call to our accredited medication professionals and we’ll do the rest!
- Nutritional Supplements. Abundant inventory of vitamins and nutritional supplements including Nutrametrix with Isotonic delivery.
- Diabetic and Medical Products & Services. Incontinence, Mobility Braces, Compression Hoses, Toilet and Bath Aids, Crutches, Canes. Also a full array of diabetic testing supplies.
Annapolis Professional Pharmacy and the Professional Pharmacy Group would like to thank the National Council on Aging.
Improving the lives of millions of older adults, especially those who are struggling – for recording your beneficial Facebook live program.